Turf’s Up Radio’s mission is to fill the void that exists in the audio space which shall enable green industry professionals to listen to related news, product information, interviews and more all across the country and around the world while ensuring there is interest to those who are listening.
Our 24/7 LIVE radio platform is designed to keep our listeners engaged and up to date while they are on the go or at work, all while maintaining a harmonious balance between education and entertainment.
Our Podcast platform is offered to industry pros who are eager to help educate and share their experiences with other pros who want to be better in business with the added benefit of free promotion to their individual Podcasts.
Overall, our combined innovative platform facilitates a one-stop shop and seamless way to help connect young like-minded professionals who want to learn more and seasoned pros who would like to share their experience within the industry.
As an added benefit, this dedicated platform provides product innovators, designers, distributors and manufacturers confidence that their targeted audience can be ensured.
Turf’s Up Radio continues to further its mission to give back to the industry through its continued effort to help support non-profit organizations such as Project Evergreen and TOCA as well as others whose mission is in line with ours.
Turf's Up Radio is run solely by green industry professionals who are eager to give back. We are always looking for new like-minded partners who want to share their experience and expertise.